That was the

27th Practitioners' Conference Graz

"Pumps in process, power plant and wastewater technology"

8 - 10 April 2024 | Congress Graz

From 8 to 10 April 2024, the 27th Practitioners' Conference "Pumps in Process Engineering, Power Plant and Wastewater Technology" took place again at its usual venue, one week after Easter, at Congress Graz. With over 140 participants on site, 28 speakers, 23 technical papers, 8 exhibitors and 15 online participants, the event was once again a great success.

All in all, the 27th Practitioners' Conference in Graz once again covered all aspects of pumps in process engineering, power plant and wastewater technology. The open dialogue was celebrated extensively - a unique feature of this event in the German-speaking area.

"Great event, excellent presentations, good organisation" - these are the many reactions to the 27th Practitioners' Conference Graz. We are delighted with the enthusiasm of all participants and would like to thank all speakers for their contributions and all participants and exhibitors for their commitment.

Find a detailed retrospective of the conference here.

We are looking forward to the next practitioners' conference and hope to welcome you back to Graz in spring 2025.

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